My daily reminder and log for doing five things each day that keep me growing. Little or big, insignificant or huge, this is the stuff moving me forward. Today, I want to be a little better than I was yesterday. Tomorrow, I want to be even better.


August 11 and 12, 2012

Weekend Round Up Edition

1. Saturday Morning Yoga

I did some YouTube Yoga in my living room; just a quick little routine that loosened me up and gave me the energy I needed to get all my Saturday stuff done.

2. Got My Hair Cut and Colored
I made a spur of the moment appointment to get my hair cut cause I realized it was looking like a bird's nest. Then, when I got there, my stylist simply asked me if I was happy with my color and, all of the sudden, I'm getting my hair colored! Call it a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants moment. It's darker and redder than my natural hair color, but I kinda love it. And Big Tex was totally wowed and keeps commenting on how much he loves it. Yay!

3. Tried Soy Breakfast Sausage
We love the Sunday morning breakfast here in our house, and I'm always on the lookout for ways to participate in it without compromising my diet, ethical, and lifestyle goals. So today I had fake breakfast sausage with my one buttermilk pancake and green smoothie. My verdict: meh. The brand is MorningStar Farms and I'm so very in love with their Chik Patties, so I thought the fake sausage would be just as good. The taste was fine, but the texture was very weird. I don't have a deep desire to eat breakfast sausage anyway, so it's not like disliking this stuff will send me running back to the mystery pork parts. I'll give it a try again though. 

4. Finished Painting Washer-Dryer Pedestal
As part of our Major Kitchen/Laundry Room overhaul, Big Tex and I are building a washer-dryer pedestal that we can store laundry baskets underneath. Today, I finished painting it! I have a little bit of detail painting to finish up, but that can be done in the garage (where it currently is) or in the laundry room, where it will be very soon!

5. Sunday Style Post to Widgapae
I don't post to Widgapae as often as I'd like to (or to this blog for that matter!). I always feel like I need to have some great progress in a project to report. I didn't want to post the laundry pedestal because I do want to finish the detail painting before I post pics, so I needed something else. I'm starting to get super excited about fall, so I posted a few cute fall outfits that I made on Polyvore. It is actually a post that I had a lot of fun with! Stepping outside my blogging comfort zone turned out to be very positive!

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